Thursday 29 March 2018

Inter-discipinary Cases Workshop 2018

Inter-disciplinary Cases Workshop
Wednesday May 9th, 2018
Medical School – Addenbrooke’s Hospital

Dear all STP trainees in the East of England,

Have you ever wondered what those Cardiac Science STP trainees get up to all day? Or what the Haematologists do in the laboratory? Or how Medical Physicists know what they're looking at when performing an MRI scan? The East of England Healthcare Science Network are organising an inter-disciplinary cases afternoon workshop to help us find out!

What does the workshop involve?

In small, multi-discipline groups we will discuss cases and their investigations from the point of view of all disciplines. Examples of cases might be heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis or a whole range of other conditions. We will then present the cases to the other groups.

This way we can learn about different diseases from the perspective of; laboratory test results, underlying immunological or genetic causes, the role and results of physiological tests and the types of imaging involved etc.

Case subjects will be sent out to participants ahead of time to allow for preparation.

What will you get out of it?

As Trainee Clinical Scientists we need to be aware of and understand the breadth and range of investigations that can be performed to diagnose a disease. This day enables us to collaborate and share our knowledge, network and engage in teaching of our peers, and fulfil varies professional practice competencies.

What we ask from you as STP trainees?

1. We would like to collect case examples from each discipline: 
Life Sciences, Physiological Sciences and Physical Sciences. 

If you have a real case (or a textbook example) in which more than one discipline is involved in the investigation, please can you send a summary of the case to the East of England Healthcare Science Trainee Reps at, before Tuesday 24th April 2018. 

Please also ask your training officers and senior colleagues for examples.

2. If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP via email to by Tuesday 24th April 2018.

Thank you for your help in preparing for this day, and we look forward to seeing you there – The East of England Regional Trainee Network – Cases Sub-committee

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