Friday 18 August 2017

Autumn Welcome Event 2017

The East of England Healthcare Science Trainee Network invites you to the

Autumn Welcome Event 2017

Thursday 14th September 2017, 16:00 – 17:30
N3 Seminar Room
Level 3, Addenbrooke’s Hospital
Cambridge CB2 0QQ

The East of England Healthcare Science Trainee Network will be hosting their annual welcome event for all new and current trainees on the Scientist Training Programme (STP) in the region, along with their training officers. This event is an excellent opportunity to network with your fellow STP trainees.

We will be meeting at the main entrance to Addenbrooke's hospital at 15:45 before making our way to the seminar room (or feel free to make your own way there).
After the event, there will be drinks at the Frank Lee Centre at Addenbrooke's for a chance to get to know each other more informally.
Please confirm your attendance for catering purposes to by 8th September.

If you would like to know more about STP Trainee Networks, please visit the NSHCS website:

We look forward to seeing you in September!​​

Best wishes,
Claire and Charlotte
Co-chairs of the EoE HCS Trainee Network

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Terms of Reference

East of England STP and HSST Trainee Network
Terms of Reference
1     Purpose
The purpose of the Trainee Network panel is to:
1.1     Ensure effective co-ordination of the issues and concerns related to trainee Healthcare Scientists and Practitioners within the East of England;
1.2     Review STP and HSST issues and comment on developments;
1.3     Take forward initiatives and responsibilities relevant to trainee Healthcare Scientists and Practitioners;
2     Functions
The Trainee Network shall:
2.1     Promote the profile of trainee Healthcare Scientists within and outside the EoE;
2.2     Act as a communication pathway between members of the Trainee Network;
2.3     Represent EoE trainee Healthcare Scientists to the NSHCS and HEE;
2.4     Endeavour to advise members of the Trainee Network on any issues, within the remit of EoE, which may arise. (Where issues can not be resolved by the Trainee Network panel, they will be escalated as appropriate);
2.5     Provide relevant information to trainees as appropriate;
2.6 Organise events throughout the year to support and encourage trainee healthcare scientists and prepare for qualification
3     Frequency and conduct of meetings
3.1     The EoE Network meets four times a year, usually as set out below:
Key functions
  • Welcome new trainees and outline purpose of EoE network
  • Advertise for new panel members
  • Feedback on Interdisciplinary case studies workshop
  • Report back on TRG meeting with NSHCS
  • Assign sub-committee to plan Inter-disciplinary case studies workshop
  • Report back on TRG meeting with NSHCS
  • Feedback on OSFA workshop
  • Report back on TRG meeting with NSHCS
  • Assign sub-committee to organise mock OSFA workshop

3.2    In the absence of the Chair the committee members shall select a person to Chair the meeting.
3.3    The Secretary or nominated individual shall ensure formal minutes are made of the meeting.
4     Communications and records
4.1     An electronic or paper copy of the agenda and agreed minutes of each meeting shall be sent to all network members, including training officers and be made available on the Google Drive of the network email account
4.2 Email addresses will only be added to the communication list if the individual requests to receive updates
4.3     All electronic communication will be sent out with the email addresses of recipients blind carbon copied
4.4     A summary report will be written for all events, and anonymous feedback from attendees will be collated and stored in the Google drive for future reference
4.5 In addition to email communication, the facebook page and blog will have network information and news
5     Membership
The Trainee Network panel membership is as follows:
5.1     Chair/Co-chair; Secretary, Communications and technology officer and any other roles as required
5.2     Trainee Network panel members volunteer or can be nominated for any of the roles
5.3     Trainee Network panel members will also usually become representatives for the EoE network to the NSHCS and HEE but other members may volunteer to attend events if desired
5.4     Members of the Trainee Network panel will be replaced as required. An advertisement for new members will be emailed, posted on the facebook page and the blog.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Inter-disciplinary Cases Workshop 2017

Inter-disciplinary Cases Workshop

21st June 2017


Learning Centre, Papworth Hospital

Have you ever wondered what those Cardiac Science STP trainees get up to all day? Or what the Haematologists do in the laboratory? Or how Medical Physicists know what they're looking at when performing an MRI scan? The East of England Healthcare Science Network are organising an inter-disciplinary cases afternoon workshop to help us find out!

What does the workshop involve?

In small, multi-discipline groups we will discuss cases and their investigations from the point of view of all disciplines. Examples of cases might be heart disease, cancer, cystic fibrosis or a whole range of other conditions!

This way we can learn about different diseases from the perspective of:

·         Laboratory test results

·         Underlying immunological or genetic causes

·         The role and results of physiological tests

·         The types of imaging involved

·         And more!

Case subjects will be sent out to participants ahead of time to allow for preparation.

What will you get out of it?

As Trainee Clinical Scientists we need to be aware of and have an understanding of the breadth and range of investigations that can be performed to diagnose a particular disease. This day enables us to collaborate and share our knowledge and engage in teaching of our peers, which maps perfectly to at least one professional practice competency!

What are we asking STP trainees to do?

1)      We would like to collect case examples from each discipline: Life Sciences, Physiological Sciences and Physical Sciences.

If you have a real case (or a textbook example) in which more than one discipline is involved in the investigation, please can you send a summary of the case to the East of England Healthcare Science Trainee Reps at, before Tuesday 30th May 2017.

Please also ask your training officers and senior colleagues for examples.

2)      If you would like to attend this event, please RSVP via email to by Tuesday 30th May.

Thank you for your help in preparing for this day, and we look forward to seeing you there!

 The East of England Regional Trainee Network – Cases Sub-committee

Wednesday 12 April 2017

East of England STP Trainee Event 2017

East of England STP Trainee 

"An Evolving NHS"
Wednesday 19th April 2017

Una Elliott Training Room
Church Lane
Papworth Everard

Programme (timings are approximate)

1:00pm Welcome and Introduction Katrina Oates
1.30pm Public and Patient Involvement TBC
2.00pm Presentations of Electives TBC
3.00pm Resilience Tony Botteglieri
4.30pm Close of Meeting Judy Croot

Tuesday 21 February 2017

EOEHCS STP Induction Day Feedback

Dear all,

The NSHCS are looking to gather feedback on the STP induction day event and how it can be improved. The list of questions they want to ask include:

1. Does the current format work? E.g., presentations in the morning and breakout sessions in the afternoon. If not what would you do differently to have the most impact?

2. What presentations do you feel are more useful – who should present?

3. Should we make it more interactive, if so how?

4. What are the key topics you think need to be covered?

5. What would you have wanted most from this day that you didn’t get or would want to see in future events?

6. How can current trainees be involved in this event – School is considering small table discussions/networking supported by existing trainees for example

7. Any other comments/ideas?

If you would like me to feed anything back to them about the day, send an email to us before the 17th March and I will pass the feedback on.

Best wishes,

Saturday 4 February 2017

Network Board Changes

We're delighted to welcome two new members to the Network Board!

  • Tengyue Zheng has taken on responsibility for our online content
  • Frankie White has volunteered to be Secretary
See The Network Board for more information. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Integrated Clinical Academic Careers Project

We have received an email about the Integrated Clinical Academic Careers Project, please see the information below if you or any colleagues are interested:

I’m delighted to let you know about this series of workshops I am leading on behalf of HEE about the Integrated Clinical Academic (ICA) Programme.
This project has been commissioned by HEE to fulfil 2 purposes:
1.       to provide information about the programme to increase the number & quality of future applications across all eligible non-medical professions,
2.       to actively collect feedback, experiences and opinions to assist HEE to consider any other factors that could better support this agenda.

It is important that we reach all eligible professional groups with this information and I would greatly appreciate your assistance in cascading this across your networks of Healthcare Scientists. Thank you!

We are still preparing case studies individuals of who’d like to share their own experiences, or feed in their comments to us. So please let us know if you or a colleague would like to talk to us about this programme?

And I’d also be really pleased to hear as soon as possible if you have any suggestions or comments about other agencies we could invite to join us at these workshops.

The timeline for this project is very short, so we’d love to hear from you straight away – thanks so much!!

Please share this email widely across all your national contacts and networks: you can forward this email & I’ve also attached a pdf flyer for you to use.
We also have an individual flyer for each of the 4 HEE Regions that have the booking link.

Very many thanks –
Dr Hazel Roddam
Reader in Allied Health Practice

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Thursday 2 February 2017

Meeting minutes

Minutes are available for all network Board Meetings; please contact if you would like to see any specific ones.

Meeting dates available are:

  • 23 November 2015
  • 8 March 2016
  • 23 May 2016
  • 18 August 2016
  • 8 November 2016
2 February 2017 will be available soon.

The next meeting will be held in early June 2017.

Chief Scientific Officer

Have you ever heard of the Chief Scientific Officer?

The CSO is the Head of Profession for all healthcare scientists (HCS) in NHS England. Her name is Dr Sue Hill and she's been in post for nearly 15 years. She takes the lead on a variety of issues affecting the HCS profession, including Modernising Scientific Careers, and providing professional advice and guidance across the health system.

An STP trainee rep attends the CSO HCS Strategy Meetings. Feedback from these meetings has included the following:

One point raised was the desire to have different healthcare science specialisms working together more closely - the idea of 'One Voice' for us all, to increase our influence within the NHS. The Regional HCS Trainee Networks were held up as a great example of scientists from very different specialisms working together on the things we have in common, such as public engagement or running events, and the CSO wants qualified HC scientists to take their lead from us on this! The professional relationships we're building together at this stage will help us throughout our careers, and most importantly help to benefit patients - having contacts in various departments to provide advice would be an advantage, for example.

Clinical Coding

A member of the Network contacted us recently asking about Clinical Coding and Information Governance (Professional Practice Competency 19).

At our Board Meeting this afternoon, Alex shared a few of the resources that helped her to complete this competency. These links are:

Clinical coding (the last two are written to explain the concept to lay people, perfect if you've never heard of it before!)

Relevant specifically to biochemisty:
For the Information Governance aspect, mandatory training via ESR Oracle may be useful:

Sunday 8 January 2017

Changes to the Network Board

All change!

At the end of November 2016, we said goodbye and thank you to Rachel Dale, who was a founding chair of the Network. Rachel works in Colchester and is in her final year, and decided that it would be most sensible for her to step down at this point in order to prioritise other aspects of her training. She has worked hard for the Network and will be very much missed!

Alex Nance, our other founding chair, will also be retiring as chair in February 2017, although will remain a board member until the end of her training in September.
Alex and Rachel have worked hard for 18 months to establish the Network,
and are glad to know it's in safe hands.

Very excitingly, the two new Co-Chairs of the Network are Claire Francis and Charlotte Skipper! They took on their new responsibility in December 2016, to ease the transition between the old and new Co-Chairs.

Claire is training at Papworth in Respiratory & Sleep Science, and has previously acted as a delegate at the TRG on behalf of the East of England. Charlotte is training in Audiology at Addenbrooke's, and organised an excellent Christmas social at Nando's. Both were also on the organising team for the OSFA workshop.

Additionally, our Events co-ordinator, Sara Edwards, has retired, and our Secretary Kristina Stone will be stepping down in January 2017. If you are interested in finding out more about these roles, please contact for more info (with no commitment!), or check the Network Board page.

If you have found any of the Network events or information helpful - even if just for meeting other trainees - and would like it to continue, please consider taking on one of these roles, or any other described on the Network Board page. Some good reasons to volunteer are:

  • The more people involved, the easier the work is for everybody and the more the Network can accomplish. We found this to be very true when preparing the OSFA Workshop.
  • You gain useful management experience, which can be used as evidence for multiple competences, and may give you an advantage at a future job interview. 
  • It's a really great chance to get to know other trainees and to form and deepen friendships. We thoroughly recommend the buzz you get after an efficient meeting or a successful event, knowing that you worked hard with a team and achieved something brilliant together.